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6-Way Speed Star, FS & Accuracy Competition

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October 26, 2019 - October 28, 2019

It’s back, you asked for it, it’s the return of our 6way FS meet! After the success of the 2018 competition, we are doing it all again and here’s how it works:
  1. Start with a free-flown 6-way. You can have floaters. After all the teams have completed a round, we’ll allocate points on who built quickest. E.g. if there are 4 teams, the fastest gets 4 points, the slowest gets 1 point, or none if they don’t build a 6-way!.
  2. Then do a sequence of points from a draw that we will provide.
  3. We’re going to ask you to break-off a bit earlier at 5000ft and then do some accuracy. For every team member who lands within 5 meters of the cross, we’ll give you an extra point up to a max of 3. There will be penalties for dangerous landings or approaches though.
  4. The comp will be run over 4 rounds. The head judge is Simon Brentford.
If you want to take part, put a post in the Facebook event.

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October 26, 2019
October 28, 2019
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