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Joel Strickland Freefly & Tracking

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February 22, 2020 - February 23, 2020

We’d like to welcome a new freefly coach to the dz for 2020 and he comes in the form of Joel Strickland who’s been at the forefront of freefly for some time being a 3 time UK champion (2 x Freefly 1 x Freestyle). He was also on freefly team Varial representing the UK at the 2016 Mondial in Chicago. It’s fair to say he knows his stuff technically too as he’s an FAI judge for artistic events (both indoor and outdoor).

The weekend is aimed at any level and Joel is pretty flexible in his approach. He can coach individually or in groups as well. Here’s his 2020 dates for you to get stuck into:

22-23rd Feb
14-15th March
28-29th March
18-19th April
25-26th April
9-10th May

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February 22, 2020
February 23, 2020

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